Billionaire predicts 2024 CIVIL WAR

Dear Patriot,

Ray Dalio, multi-billionaire founder of the world's largest hedge fund, just made a shocking prediction…

He says there's a very real chance the 2024 election could lead to CIVIL WARin the US.

Now he's not the kinda guy to say something like that lightly. And he's definitely not the type to exaggerate.

And frankly, if you've been paying attention, his prediction is really not far-fetched at all.

Political division and turmoil is more intense than ever before…

And as President Trump surges in the polls…

How do you think the left is going to react?

In my opinion, what's coming will make the riots of summer 2020 look like a game of patty-cake.

And this time, I don't believe the chaos and violence will be contained in big cities, either.

If you want to have the best possible chance of staying safe through the coming chaos…

If you want to help keep your family safe…

Stay Ready,

Teddy Daniels


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